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Single page Website



If you’re a freelancer, a single page is often enough to give potential employers a bit of information about who you are, feature finished projects, and even include a simple contact form.



Most websites contain a lot more information than you might realize. Even the simplest business can end up with a site consisting of several pages, providing contact information, details on its services, and more. In some cases, this multi-page approach works well. However, you’ll often run into situations where a one-page website is a better fit.

The trick lies in knowing when to use each design. For example, one-page sites are perfect for individual portfolios, but not so much if you’re talking about an online store. Understanding when it makes sense to use one page and when you need more space to work with will save you time, and help you create more engaging websites.

As for one-page designs, the limited space can make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. It’s also easier for you to keep the focus on the most important information or elements. Plus, you can save a significant amount of time with this type of site, since you only have one page to design and maintain.

Here are a few examples of situations where it makes sense to use a simple one-page layout:

  • Landing pages. This type of website is all about converting users. Limiting yourself to one page enables you to craft a narrative without any distractions, and run A/B tests more efficiently.
  • Brochure websites. If your business only needs a simple website with photos, contact information, and an introduction to your services, you don’t need dozens of pages to pull it off.

The sensible approach is to know exactly what you want to include on your website before you start working on a design. Create a rough sketch of your site, and outline of the elements you’ll need and where they should be placed. That way, you’ll easily be able to figure out if the one-page approach is appropriate.



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